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Dr Prakash Promod

29 / 11 / 2023


On Friday evening, Dr. Promod and his team will travel to London for the Private Dentistry Awards 2023. They are finalists for five prestigious awards: Practice of the Year, Best New Practice, Team of the Year, Practice Principal – Dr Promod, and Practice Design & Brand.

But how did this new practice, opened just eight months ago, come into existence? In honour of the Private Dentistry Awards and of the team at Alban City Dental, we thought it only fitting to share the story of our Clinical Director, Dr Prakash Promod.

Dr Promod’s personal journey, shaped by unexpected turns and acts of kindness from people along the way, is a narrative woven with resilience, faith, humility, and unwavering commitment to his calling.

A doctor by design – answering the call

Prakash spent most of his childhood in India, growing up as part of a family of doctors. When he was two years old, he told his mum that, one day, he would be a head surgeon. His father’s work as a gynaecologist pursuing Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology qualifications and training took the family from Kerala to Iran and then to Blackpool and back to Kerala again. When it was time to choose his career path, he decided to study dentistry at Manipal University.

He qualified as a dentist in 2000, and spent the next years working in the community dental and maxillofacial departments of the university teaching hospital. He would travel to villages in India, providing free dental care to patients, some of whom had never been treated by a dentist. Some days, he would extract as many as 100 teeth.

During this time, he had the opportunity to observe a bimaxillary osteotomy by Mr Ken Sneddon, a maxillofacial surgeon from East Grinstead Hospital, the birthplace of facial plastic surgery. He performed the surgery in 1 hour and 14 minutes – a procedure that would normally take local surgeons 6-8 hours to complete. It was in that moment that Prakash was inspired to train as a maxillofacial surgeon in the UK.

Training as a maxillofacial surgeon meant that Prakash also needed to earn a degree in medicine. His family were unsure if it was wise to travel so far from home, at great expense, without any guarantee of success as a dental graduate from India.

A sign from above

They received a sign in the form of Reverend John Weir, a Vicar from Bethnal Green. He had travelled to India and spoke at Prakash’s local church. Prakash introduced himself after the service and said that he hoped to travel to England to study Medicine. Mr Weir replied, “Well, if that’s what you’ve been called by God to do, then you must do it. Call me when you reach England if you need anything.” Upon hearing this, his parents gave him their blessing to go.

Turning a misstep into opportunity

When Prakash first arrived in England in 2003 he was put up by his uncle Dr Sam Arthur at their family home in Kendal, the Lake District. It was in Kendal that he first met Sarah Lee who was a newly qualified dentist at the time working her way to specialty training in Orthodontics. Little did he realise then that their paths would cross again in multiple hospital jobs and later at Alban City Dental.

Prakash’s journey to his first job in the UK as an overseas qualified dentist wishing to train in maxillofacial surgery was a difficult one. He posted 206 CVs, each with a hand-written cover letter, to nearly every maxillofacial department in the England, Scotland and Wales, offering to work for free as an honorary clinical attachment. He received 206 letters of rejection, due to his lack of UK experience.

When he had nearly run out of money and was starting to think it was probably best to return to India, he travelled to London to attend a conference held by the Junior Trainees Group of the British Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. As he was making his way to his seat, he accidentally trod on the toe of none other than Peter Ward-Booth, who he instantly recognised as the author of one of the Maxillofacial Surgery textbooks he had studied in India.

Following the conference, he emailed Mr Ward-Booth to apologise for stepping on his foot and to express what an honour it was to meet him in person. He asked if there were any opportunities to work with him in an honorary capacity.

A modern-day miracle

Before he left London after the conference, he stopped by Bethnal Green to visit Reverend Weir, the priest whom he had met before leaving India. When the priest opened the door, he instantly recognised him and was overcome with emotion. He said that he had been waiting for a miracle from God all day and Prakash was the miracle. It was the Harvest Festival at Church and he didn’t know what message God intended for him to share with his congregation. He invited Prakash to join in the service and preached about the importance of planting seeds. He said, “The word of God is a seed. Several years ago, I said something to this young man that planted a seed. That seed has borne fruit and now Prakash is here with us today.”

That was also a sign for Prakash not to give up on his dream to study medicine in England.

A week later, he received an email response from Peter Ward-Booth, offering him an honorary clinical attachment at East Grinstead Hospital in a month’s time.

A year early

On his way to East Grinstead, he received a voicemail, informing him that there was a mix-up with the dates of the placement: his role didn’t actually start for another 12 months. He decided to travel there anyway, walking into the medical staffing department with his suitcase in hand. He explained the mix-up and asked if there was anything they could do, but he was told that, unfortunately, he would have to return the following year. He asked if he could have a tour of the hospital before he left, knowing that it might be the last time he would get the chance to see this hospital made famous by the pioneering work of Sir Archibald McIndoe during World War II and where several of the textbooks of maxillofacial surgery he had read in India had been written.

A junior doctor showed him around East Grinstead. As they were nearing the end of the tour, he said, “If you have a chance, speak to Mr Ken Lavery (who was the Head of Department) and ask him if there’s anything he can do.” As it happened, Mr Lavery was walking out of the operating theatre at that exact moment. Prakash introduced himself, explained that he had arrived for his honorary clinical attachment only to find out that it was a year early and asked if there were any other honorary roles available. Fifteen minutes later, he received a phone call from medical staffing, offering him an immediate position as an honorary observer.

Unfortunately, hospital accommodation (which was usually available at a subsidised rate) was completely full and staying at a local bed and breakfast would quickly deplete whatever savings he had left. He called Reverend Weir, who put him in touch with the Vicar at St Swithun’s church in East Grinstead. A few minutes later he got a call back saying that the nuns at St Margaret’s Convent had kindly offered him a room to stay for two weeks until hospital accommodation became available.

Care without expectation

During the early days of his honorary observership, to save money, Prakash lived off of a baked potato (which used to cost £1) a day. The women who worked in the hospital canteen quickly realised that he was working unpaid and had very little money and starting saving food for him. They would set food aside and say, “It’s nearly closing time. You should take this, or else we’ll have to throw it away.”

Two months later, Dr. Ajit Kurian joined East Grinstead. Ajit was in a paid role, during holidays from medical school. When he realised that Prakash also planned to attend medical school, but was in an unpaid, observer role, he took him under his wing. From that point on, Ajit paid for all of Prakash’s meals, making sure they always ate well.

At the end of his observership, Prakash obtained his first paid role in maxillofacial surgery at a hospital in Chichester, with the help of a recommendation from none other than Peter Ward-Booth. The department at East Grinstead welcomed him back to join them again a year later when a paid post became available and have supported him throughout his career.

Making his brother smile

It was during his time at East Grinstead and Chichester hospitals that Prakash started placing dental implants, primarily for trauma & cancer patients and also learned advanced implant surgery and grafting techniques in the private sector under the guidance of Mr Ken Lavery. His first implant in practice was in 2006 for his dental-phobic elder brother, who having had a bad experience many years ago, would only trust his brother with his smile. That implant is still going strong!

As his experience grew, he started placing dental implants in private dental practices across London and Essex to raise funds for medical school. When he’d saved enough money, he applied to medical school and successfully obtained a place at Barts in London.

During this time, he also married and celebrated the birth of his daughter.

Prakash finished medical school in 2010. He completed one year of Foundation training in general surgery, orthopaedics and general medicine at Lister Hospital, in Stevenage. He then completed two years of core surgical training in general surgery, orthopaedics and plastic surgery at Harlow, Broomfield and Addenbrookes hospitals.

In the right place, at the right time

During this time, he went through divorce and took a path that surprised many of his colleagues – he reduced his hours at work and stopped doing on-calls so that he could share care of his daughter with his ex-wife and prioritise being a father over being a doctor on call.

As he adjusted to this new stage of life, he took on a part time role doing locum consultant maxillofacial surgeon lists at Ashford Hospital in Kent and then worked in the maxillofacial department at Milton Keynes Hospital. In 2014, he found love for a second time and married later that year. When his wife became pregnant, he accompanied her to The Royal Free Hospital in Barnet for their first scan. As he walked through the lobby, he was spotted by a former classmate who encouraged him to apply for a role in the hospital’s maxillofacial department. He jumped at the opportunity to work closer to home (St Albans). His interview took place nine hours after the birth of his son and, thankfully, he was offered the position!

During his time at the Royal Free, he performed a wide range of surgical procedures, including skin cancer reconstruction, fixing broken jaws and treating facial trauma. He often treated patients who had experienced complications following dental or facial aesthetic procedures from around London and abroad – from infected teeth, to failed dental implants to adverse reactions from facial fillers.

By 2022, he had placed several thousand dental implants and extracted tens of thousands of teeth.

Wisdom from an unexpected source

One morning, he was scrolling through his Instagram feed and saw a post from Nimsdai Purja, the Nepali mountaineer, former Gurkha and British Special Forces soldier who gained international recognition for summitting all 14 of the world’s highest peaks in just six months and six days (14 Peaks, Netflix).

Nimsdai was suffering from intense pain from a wisdom tooth and was unable to find a dentist who could remove it.

Prakash mentioned this to his wife who encouraged him to DM Nimsdai. “Just message him and offer to help him,” she said. “You have nothing to lose. You know you can help him.”

Prakash messaged Nimsdai and, shortly thereafter, received a reply from his wife. She explained that Nimsdai had been told by several dentists that it would be impossible to extract his wisdom tooth outside of a hospital setting and that he would have to be under general anaesthetic. Prakash reassured her, “I have extracted thousands of teeth in my career. If he can open his mouth, I can take out his tooth.”

Nimsdai travelled to a London dental practice that Prakash frequented a few days later and, in less than a minute, Prakash removed his troublesome tooth.

While he was there, Nimsdai asked, “What’s your story, brother?” Prakash explained how he had come to be in England and the story of his career. Nimsdai said, “You should have your own place. You need to believe it and make it happen. It will happen. Don’t worry about anything else. You do it and people will come to you.”

Three days later, Nimsdai climbed Mont Blanc.

Where one door closes, another door opens

That conversation stuck in Prakash’s mind and the seed had been planted to open his own private practice. The following month, he received an email from 24 Hall Place Gardens, where he was renting a consulting room, explaining that they would be closing. He told his wife that he would need to find new premises in St Albans and his wife suggested, “Why don’t you email the owners and ask if you could rent the clinic?”

The rest is history, and the Elms Consulting Rooms were transformed into Alban City Dental & Surgical Centre.

Where precision meets excellence

Should you choose to visit Dr Promod and the team at Alban City Dental & Surgical Centre, located in the heart of St Albans, you can expect an unparalleled journey marked by excellence, compassion and a commitment to your well-being that has been 23 years in the making.

As we celebrate our nomination for multiple awards at the Private Dentistry Awards 2023, it is a testament to our dedication to providing top-tier dental and surgical services.

Dr Promod’s multifaceted expertise, encompassing dentistry, medicine, and surgery, ensures that you receive comprehensive and integrated care. The practice’s state-of-the-art facilities and a specialised team are dedicated to offering a wide spectrum of services, including dental implants, orthodontics, Invisalign®, root canal treatments, dermatology, and various surgical procedures.

At Alban City Dental, your well-being is not just our commitment; it’s our calling. Book an appointment with us today, and please wish us luck this Friday at the Private Dentistry Awards!

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First class service.I wanted to have implants done and was referred to another branch of my own practice. However, I had two consultations and was waiting for the dentist to get back to me with additional information. This was not forthcoming so after my brother recommended Dr Prakash I made an appointment. From start to finish everything was professional. He explained the whole process and I felt comfortable to go ahead with treatment. I won't say it wasn't painful because the injections were beyond painful. I was given dentures and they fit beautifully better than what I had before. When the implants were fitted I felt like a new woman. Thanks Dr Prakash. I was asked if I wanted to opt for the more expensive teeth which I agreed to. However, when I went for the fitting he informed me that I had the cheaper option as the teeth were not joined together. I wouldn't have been any the wiser. Thanks Dr Prakash. You made an experience I was dreading so much more bearable. I would definitely recommend him. Personable, friendly and warm and that's what you want from a dentist.
Karen Anderson
Karen Anderson
19:51 21 Mar 23
My experience at Dr Prakash's surgery was wonderful from the beginning through to the end of my treatment.My first visit for consultation was great, all my fears and concerns were soon disappeared. The explanation and advise given for the procedures and treatment to come were clearly delivered.After the first stage of my treatment was done, the doctor made several follow up calls to check on how I was feeling and if there were any issues. He also invited me back to the surgery to ensure everything was OK before I went on holiday.I am very please with the final outcome, I even passed on his details to others who needed the same treatment and they too were extremely happy.It's only two months since my treatment was done and Dr Prakash already invited me back for a review.You will always feel more than a patient at Dr Prakash's surgery and team.Ricardo
Ricardo Anderson
Ricardo Anderson
18:03 24 Mar 23
Excellent service with a very professional and knowledgeable dentist- Dr Prakash.My son was very nervous and worried about his teeth as his canines damaged the roots of his lateral incisors. His actual dentist could not do the extraction that was needed before he starts wearing braces. and so he made an urgent referral to UCLH, however the doctors there decided it was not urgent, despite the fact it affected badly his confidence.Dr Prakash was amazing in the way he interacted with my son, and how he made him so comfortable.The whole procedure didn’t take him more than 15 min and now my son has his braces on and his confidence back.I contacted uclh and they removed him off the waiting list after being on it for over 10 months.Thank you so much Dr Prakash
Madj Akkou
Madj Akkou
20:07 21 Mar 23
Great experience, Had a complicated issue, that I had great conversations with my dental surgeon. I always felt comfortable and confident that the surgeon understood what I wanted and discussed all options and outcomes clearly and concisely.Would recommend this dental practice as I would use again...Thank you Dr P...
Michael tucker
Michael tucker
20:47 30 Mar 23
I was referred to Alban City Dental by my orthodontics to get an impacted canine removed. Dr Prakash was amazing from start to finish. He answered all of my questions that I had about the surgery. During the surgery he made sure that I was in no pain and got the tooth out a lot easier and quicker than I thought it would be. I would definitely recommend this practice.
Alicia Marie
Alicia Marie
06:46 31 Mar 23
I am a dentist and have been referring patients to Dr Prakash Promod for over 15 years and will continue to do so at his wonderful new premises, Alban City Dental & Surgical Centre which has state of the art equipment in a beautifully comfortable, relaxed, friendly dental environment. I can honestly highly recommend Prakash as do every single one of my patients who have ever seen him! Being qualified as both doctor and dentist, he has superb clinical knowledge and skill in the wide range of treatments he offers from implants to facial aesthetics to oral surgery and has a great bedside manner, always putting his patients at ease and explaining treatments thoroughly in an easy to understand way. I’ve also had the pleasure of working in the past with members of his team who are currently working with Prakash at Alban City and they are also highly trained, professional, kind and dedicated. As a referring dentist, you will be kept well informed and have the assurance your patients will be well looked after - they will thank you for recommending Prakash! As a patient, I guarantee you’ll be extremely satisfied with your treatment journey start to finish.
21:25 21 Mar 23
I would recommend this Dental Surgery 100% for several years I was wearing dentures and my self esteem was so low. After meeting Mr Pakish immediately he made me so comfortable. After having treatment for over several months my results was 150% and my Confidence was over the roof, the compliments I received 🙂 😊 everyday made everything so easy for me and my smile 😃 gets bigger and bigger everyday. Thanks to this Dental Surgery. 🙌
Nickesha Barrett
Nickesha Barrett
14:01 26 Apr 23
Dr Prakash is an incredible dentist! He always goes above and beyond to ensure his patients are very happy. I needed my wisdom tooth extracted as it was causing me pain, and he not only booked me in last minute, but was also available after to answer questions, provide advice & even asked me to come in again to ensure I had no problems during the healing process. Clinic is very beautiful & well maintained. I have recommended him to my entire family as well who have all visited and are extremely happy.
Maryam Amaria
Maryam Amaria
19:07 21 Mar 23
I had a great experience with Dr Prakesh , the most pain free extraction ever, such a professional.Also very knowledgeable on implants and helped me greatly with my troubled implants installed abroad.I will certainly be making my way around the M25 to visit him any time I need any thing dental.
Hitesh Karia
Hitesh Karia
09:24 22 Jun 23
I was referred to Dr Prakash via my usual surgery, and instantly felt in safe hands from the start. I had some front row extractions, and following a period with a temporary denture, a front row of implants fitted. Its important to find someone you can trust with this sort of work, and I am very happy to recommend him, as the treatment and results were excellent.
08:34 02 Apr 23
The staff at Alban Dental surgery were great very welcoming and friendly.The dentist was very nice and professional his name is Dr.Prakash Promod. He made me feel right at home and as if I was a friend.He provided excellent service and I will be coming here for all my future dental needs.There is also a free parking.
Ernest Odoom
Ernest Odoom
19:42 11 Jul 23
I want to publicly thank Dr. Prakash for the help he provided by tightening one of my very old implants, which is in the process of being replaced at another clinic outside the UK. It became loose and I could not find anyone able to fix it on the same day, as a specialised tool was necessary to tighten it. I sincerely appreciate the kind gesture of the doctor who, despite not knowing me at all, reopened his clinic (it was already closed down) and fixed the implant. It's truly heartwarming to receive such unexpected and generous help. Thank you again.
Blanca de Blas
Blanca de Blas
15:04 22 Jul 23
Dr Prakash extracted my mothers tooth with minimal fuss, and made her feel at ease throughout the procedure. Would thoroughly recommend his services.
10:28 14 Aug 23
Amazing practise! Called in the morning and luckily they’d had a cancellation and were able to fit me in same day (receptionist was a pleasure to speak to)! I was in quite a bit of pain and the dentist was very understanding and patient with me! I ended up needing to investigate whether sinus issues were the cause. But they called me up a few days later to check where I was at with gp and if I needed further assistance. Will be using them again in future!
Natalie Waites
Natalie Waites
09:51 25 Aug 23
I recently had two implants carried out by Dr Prakash and I’m thrilled with the outcome. The clinic is spotlessly clean with a friendly and efficient team. Each step of procedure was explained in detail so I felt confident and at ease during each visit. Dr Prakash is skilled and gentle and I highly recommend this practice.
Kate Cleaver
Kate Cleaver
08:14 30 Aug 23
I cannot emphasise just how caring all the staff are, at this newly opened dental practice. From the warm welcome of the receptionist, to the professional friendly dentists and the gentle care of the chair side dental nurses.My 92 year old father needed the services of a dental surgeon and having read the profile of Dr Prakash Promod on the Alban City Dental website, I felt confident to trust my fathers care to him.We were not disappointed !What an amazing man, kind, thoughtful, experienced and totally competent. Nothing was to much trouble, even to playing my fathers choice of music as he lay in the chair under going his hour long procedure. My father, at all times felt comfortable and confident that he was in safe hands.When Dr Prakash Promod had completed the procedure, Dr Giri Pillai, another excellent and knowledgeable dentist took over to reinstate my fathers smile with a newly made denture.This whole experience for my father has been like a breath of fresh air and he will not be returning to his Nhs practice.This brand new practice with all its brand new and up to the minute equipment is definitely the place to go and surely will be a rising star, in the world of dentistry.To top it all they have their own parking, an absolute consideration when situated in St Albans.
Angela Gilmour
Angela Gilmour
15:00 18 May 23
Prakash is quite simply the most helpful, skilled and genuinely caring dentist it has been my pleasure to meet. He has performed three implant procedures for me over the last 10 years and has provided excellent on-going maintenance and care. The practice is immaculate and has all the latest equipment. The reception and nursing staff are exemplary in their attitude and professionalism. Highly recommended.
Martin Bryan
Martin Bryan
14:29 12 Sep 23
I was referred to Dr.Prakash by my dentist for a difficult tooth extraction. I'm a VERY nervous patient, but Dr. Prakash was incredibly reassuring and sooo gentle, I didn't feel any pain! He was amazing. I would highly recommend him. The practice itself is lovely, and everyone was very friendly and welcoming, putting me at ease.
Jo Cresswell
Jo Cresswell
09:48 23 Sep 23
As someone with dental phobia Prakash and Simona made me feel extremely comfortable and I had a painless and stress-free experience.Everything was explained well to me and Simona was amazing at constantly checking in to see if I was okay.I left the appointment even considering invisalign and would go back again for treatment feeling less anxious.Everyone was so welcoming and lovely, particularly the receptionists. Definitely recommend for anyone who is scared of the dentist!
francesca rios
francesca rios
21:31 27 Sep 23
So happy we found Alban City Dental! Sarah Lee, their specialist orthodontist was so knowledgeable, and so lovely with my teenage son. He has a complex case, and she was able to show him in 3D imaging exactly what was going on in his jaw, and how they could fix it. She was considered, kind and obviously has many years experience to draw on. After the appointment, my son said to me "everyone was SO nice and friendly in that surgery mum". Agreed! The whole place has a relaxed atmosphere, and approachable staff. And free parking on site means I can save twenty minutes trying to find a spot in town.
Ruth Cohen-Rose
Ruth Cohen-Rose
06:21 06 Oct 23
Oh my gosh, what can I say. Simply an amazing place. A dental surgery that feels welcoming and calm with an amazing team of specialists. I took my teenager to meet Dr Prakash Promod & Dr Sarah Lee who is their orthodontics expert about teeth straightening. They couldn’t have been more reassuring, professional and helpful. Our daughter is now fitted with Invisalign which has made her super happy as she is going to get the smile she has always wanted. Dr Lee actually designs the aligners personally which is a rare extra.The location right in town is also fantastic. To have an orthodontist really close to our daughter’s school is an added bonus as it means she can walk there for her regular check ups without missing important schooling in her exam year. They also have their own car park which makes life much simpler in town! Big thank you from us to the whole team including the wonderful Margaret at Reception.I am now looking at having my own treatment there !
Amanda M
Amanda M
14:55 05 Oct 23
An immensely impressive and gifted surgeon is Prakash. From the first moment I met him many years ago and through feedback from my clients I have referred to his safe and caring hands over the years, I have nothing but praise. In a world full of noise and hype, he stands as a gentle giant of a surgeon.
18:29 18 Oct 23
My partner was treated at this surgery and the outcome of the procedure was fantastic. During every stage, Dr.Prakash was brilliant.Also, the aftercare was very reassuring as we were given practical advice around managing the healing process.I have to also mention Simona and Margaret who were always friendly and welcoming during our visits to the surgery. I would definitely recommend this practice.
Reiss Merritt
Reiss Merritt
18:24 19 Oct 23
This has to be the best dental surgery!! I would give more than 5 stars if given the option.I had a complicated case of wisdom tooth extraction and was referred to Dr Prakash. He demonstrated great competence and kindness which made me feel less anxious and scared about the surgery. Every person I encountered in the clinic were genuinely kind and comforting.What I thought would be my worst nightmare turned out pleasantly well, thanks to the Doctor and his team!
Nonye Nwosu
Nonye Nwosu
11:12 21 Oct 23
I had a wonderful experience at the practice. I had a chipped front tooth which I had been concerned about for a while Dr Promod was very supportive and an appointment was quickly arranged with one of his colleagues. The appointment was excellent the care and attention by the receptionist, dental assistant and dentist was first rate and the work I had done was superb. Would highly recommend.
Tom Savage
Tom Savage
13:13 03 Nov 23
Walked in for an emergency dental appointment due to excruciating toothache. Easy registration process at the reception and was given an appointment with a few hours at my convenience. Great diagnostic facilities, friendly dentist and support staff. Would recommend to anyone looking for excellent dental care. Kudos to the team. Keep up the good work. :)
Naresh Kumar
Naresh Kumar
19:15 24 Oct 23
I was very impressed by Alban city dental where I had an implant done. They were friendly but very professional and Dr Promod is excellent. The practice is pristine and they have the latest equipment which is great as, for example, I could have my 3D facial scan there which saved a lot of time and additional appointments.
Paver Family
Paver Family
09:03 12 Nov 23
Everyone at this practice is lovely, all so happy, friendly, professional and helpful. As well as being excellent at his work, Prakash is patient and calming. He immediately gains your trust and explains what is happening.Lovely practice, would highly recommend to anyone. Can’t praise enough. Thank you.
Diane Mattison
Diane Mattison
13:10 22 Nov 23
I had an outstanding experience with Dr. Prakash at Alban City Dental. From the moment we stepped in, the welcoming atmosphere, ample parking spaces, ambient music, calming art and imagery and the aroma of great coffee set the tone. The staff and team are all so friendly and clearly take pride in their work and professionalism.Dr. Prakash's expertise in implant surgery truly impressed me; he not only executed an exceptional job but also went above and beyond in calming my father's nerves and achieving a terrific outcome and perfect smile. My father by his own very high standards gave him an unheard of (in our family) 10/10 satisfaction score. Dr Prakash’s reassuring demeanor and skillful approach undoubtedly make him deserving of recognition and awards.I believe that the template for Alban city dental sets the precedent and future of innovative cutting edge dentistry, hospitality and world class healthcare excellence. I cannot recommend Dr. Prakash and his team highly enough for anyone seeking top-notch dental care in a comfortable and professional setting.
mohammed Bajalan
mohammed Bajalan
12:18 25 Nov 23
This is the most friendly and excellent dental practice I have ever been associated with. The staff are lovely, caring and attentive. I had a very complicated case that deemed impossible by several dental specialists. Prakash is a star and thanks to guided surgery I now have my smile and confidence back!
Jenny Soule
Jenny Soule
11:59 22 Dec 23
I was referred to Alban City Dental Centre after a failed extraction at my local clinic by two dentists. Thankfully Dr Prakash was able to accommodate me at short notice and proceeded with the extraction in the most professional manner and without drama. He is clearly a worldwide authority on tooth extraction, achieving what other dentists consider impossible. I highly recommend Dr Prakash and would not hesitate to use his services again.
Stephen Bennett
Stephen Bennett
17:52 22 Dec 23
Exceptional care and expertise define the experience I had with Dr. Giri Pillai and Dr. Prakash Pramod at Alban City Dental& Surgical Centre during my recent wisdom tooth extraction. Despite initial concerns, their seamless approach and genuine care made the entire process remarkably easy.Dr. Prakash Pramod, who performed the extraction, made the entire process exceptionally comfortable from start to finish. His expertise and reassuring manner were invaluable during the procedure. Margaret's warm demeanor added an extra layer of comfort. I wholeheartedly recommend this clinic to anyone in search of top-notch dental treatment. Thank you to the entire team for a remarkable dental experience.
Jacob John
Jacob John
20:44 21 Dec 23
Came in to Alban City Dental to make an appointment for an extraction of an infected wisdom tooth, and to my surprise Dr Prakash was able to fit me in with just a short 20min wait. Facilities are excellent, with an X-Ray machine on site saving a lot of time and hassle. The team were very friendly and efficient with great after care from Margaret at reception who ensured recovery was progressing as expected.A big thank you to Dr Prakash who even found the time to drop us home, as we had walked in. I would definitely recommend the practice to anyone looking for a dental surgery in the area, and I will certainly be back again for any future work.
18:17 26 Jan 24
I have just had my impacted wisdom tooth removed by Dr Prakash and the care and service I have received from him and his team has been absolutely first class. I have had years of trouble with this tooth but due to how badly impacted it was, I have been reluctant to have it extracted. Dr Prakash put me fully at ease and explained clearly the reasons why the extraction was needed. The process itself went very smoothly and the advice and guidance given for post the operation was excellent, including a follow up call and seeing me at short notice a week later to confirm the procedure had gone well.I have had very mixed experiences with dental practices in the past, from poor care to paying excessive fees and charges in central London.Since I became a patient of Alban City Dental a couple of months ago, I have been so impressed by my dentist Dr Harshil, and now through the surgery with Dr Prakash.The dental nurses and reception staff have also been excellent.If you want a dental practice that combines expertise, excellent patient care, a clean and relaxing environment, the very best equipment and an all round friendly, engaging service, look no further than this practice.
Chris Peel
Chris Peel
12:30 29 Jan 24
I went to this dentist in St Albans to find out more about Invisalign and whether it was suitable for me. I felt very welcomed from the moment I walked in; a friendly and kind atmosphere. The orthodontist I saw (Dr Sarah Lee) was amazing, she explained every step and seemed to have a lot of time for me.Thanks Alban City Dental team for making my dentist experience a positive one.
brsu productions
brsu productions
03:32 09 Mar 24
I cannot express enough gratitude to Dr. Prakash for his exceptional care and expertise in treating a severe face and neck infection stemming from a tooth issue. From the moment I stepped into his clinic, I was met with compassion and professionalism.Dr. Prakash’s swift diagnosis and treatment plan undoubtedly saved my life. His attention to detail and dedication to ensuring my well-being were evident throughout the entire process. Not only did he address the immediate infection, but he also provided thorough follow-up care to ensure a full recovery.I cannot recommend Dr. Prakash highly enough. If you are in need of top-notch dental care, look no further. He is a true lifesaver, and I am forever grateful for his exceptional care.
gerald gradica
gerald gradica
19:14 11 Mar 24
I was referred to Alban City Dental by my own dentist in London as I needed some complicated dental implant work which they specialise in.It was a delight to be looked after by Prakash & his team who were finalists in the Private Dentistry Awards in 2023. The surgery has a lovely relaxed atmosphere & the staff are extremely friendly.This was dentistry of the highest level, every care was taken to understand my requirements with various scans being taken which required a couple of visits before the surgery could commence.I was amazed that it was relatively painless with all five implants being fitted within an hour.The only painful part of the procedure were the numbing injections into the roof of my mouth although that passed after about 48 hours.Once I was numbed I barely felt anything.They gave me a follow up call to enquire on my progress & to arrange a check up in two weeks time.This means I’ll be able to go back to own dentist shortly to finish off my new smile.I highly recommend Alban City dental.If you need something painful fixed or are a nervous patient give them a call.
Gerry Lewis
Gerry Lewis
14:38 25 Mar 24
I initially went to the practice to have a CBCT scan of all my teeth to check I had no infection prior to surgery in April. I can honestly say my treatment was first class. Everything regarding the process was explained fully. After, the dentist took the time and trouble to discuss other treatments I had been considering and at no point did I feel rushed or pressurised. Because of the content of our discussion, I came back to undergo a thorough clean, then back again for another appointment to fill a tooth - no injection! All of the staff are wonderful. Everyone is so approachable. Post surgery I intend to go back for invisalign treatment. I really cannot praise the surgery enough! Sally-Ann
Pacha mamagroup
Pacha mamagroup
13:18 27 Mar 24
A fantastic, friendly practice in beautifully curated surroundings - every detail considered carefully to ensure their clients have a positive and relaxing visit starting with the receptionist who was very welcoming and helpful.Prashad was confident, reassuring & very knowledgeable which enabled me to relax knowing that I was in excellent hands!For anyone who is nervous when visiting their dental practitioner, I was recommend changing to this practice.Parking on site, lovely coffee served!
Widey Wood
Widey Wood
10:30 09 Apr 24
Dr Prakash was very reassuring on my recent visit to the dental practice. He put me at ease straight away. The practice is amazing, very bright and airy which immediately gave a calming influence. The receptionist was amazing and also put me at ease. Will definately be recommending this dental surgery. Thank you
Gill Kaser
Gill Kaser
11:12 10 Apr 24
I had a fantastic experience at the practice. Dr Pramod and his team were professional and welcoming. He explained everything to me, went through the CT scan results (which he did onsite). I needed an implant which was pain free. I also received a courtesy call the next day! The practice has been recently refurbished so it looks modern and light. Ample parking. Looking forward to the next visit to follow up. I would highly recommend this practice.
Jiten Kalyan
Jiten Kalyan
07:51 14 Apr 24
The Alban City Dental & Surgical Centre in St. Albans is a great place to get dental care. I recently got a checkup at this office for my teeth and was very happy with the service I received. The staff was polite, helpful, and professional, which made me feel at ease during the whole visit.There is a lot of new technology in the office, and it is clean and up to date. The dentists at Alban City tooth & Surgical Centre are very skilled, and they took great care of me and gave me great tooth health advice.The office is in a good spot—public transportation is close by, and there are parking lots nearby. Overall, my visit to Alban City Dental & Surgical Centre was great, and I would suggest it to anyone in St. Albans who needs dental care.
Ahmed Imtiaz
Ahmed Imtiaz
19:13 08 Mar 24
I needed to have a tooth extracted because of a failed root canal. Despite being in pain my previous dentist said the extraction would be complex and I would have to wait 6 weeks for a visiting surgeon! In desperation I emailed Alban City Dental on a Sunday and they saw me the next day. Dr Prakash took a scan and explained that the root had cracked and was infected. He skillfully and efficiently removed the tooth on the Wednesday. Margaret in reception also called twice in the following days to check on my condition. In summary this is an excellent dental surgery. I highly recommend.
Graeme Jones
Graeme Jones
12:08 24 Jun 24
I went to see Dr. Prakash while visiting my family in UK . He has been highly recommended for the implant consultation. I have a lot of dental work done in USA and still continue to have issues with my front teeth crowns. Dr. Prakash was very pleasant and welcoming . It did not feel like my usual dental visits . The consultation was vey thorough and it did not take a lot of time , because the clinic has all the newest technology, including CT scan . I left with total clarity of what my next steps should be and will be back here in the future .
19:09 16 Jun 24
Having been in pain with toothache for near on 6 weeks, I was beginning to lose a little bit of hope of a good nights sleep. 4 trips to my regular dentists and an emergency appt had led me to an NHS waiting list for a wisdom tooth removal that could have taken months. With the pain increasing I contacted Alban City Dental and thank goodness I did. Not only did the lovely Margaret manage to get me an appt the morning I phoned…everything about the experience was first class. Dr Prakash Promod was professional, kind, understanding and made me instantly feel at ease. Other dentists had told me how difficult a procedure this was…but it could not have been easier. I didn’t even feel the extraction, nor hear it even! The pain relief was instant. I am so glad I made the decision to phone that morning and would highly recommend this practice. Follow up care was excellent also, they really do care!
Jenny Powell
Jenny Powell
17:27 24 Jun 24
I had my two lower wisdom teeth extracted and am so pleased with my experience. I opted for sedation which made the treatment quick and painless. The surgeon was absolutely brilliant as well as the sedation dr.I’ve heard horror stories for wisdom teeth removal and couldn’t be more happy about how I’m recovering and the whole process.I highly recommend!
10:35 31 Jul 24
The quality of care and treatment is outstanding. I had a complicated case of implants and infections which demanded a unique and thoughtful treatment plan. I could not be happier with the outcome. I felt listened to and understood, I highly recommend.
Maria Kennedy
Maria Kennedy
10:08 12 Aug 24
I recently had my lower wisdom teeth removed by Dr. Prakash, and I couldn't be more pleased with the experience. From the moment I contacted the clinic, Sue took excellent care of me. She was incredibly kind and helpful throughout the process.When I met Dr. Prakash, I was immediately reassured by his confidence, knowledge, and genuine concern for achieving the best possible outcome. He clearly knew exactly what he was doing, making the procedure quick and painless.Anna was also very kind and attentive, ensuring I was comfortable at every step. The entire team truly considers every detail to ensure their clients are well cared for.
16:39 21 Aug 24
Truly a 5 star practice - both dentistry and the environment. The treatment plan was very personalized, understanding my underlying health conditions. All in all, brilliant!
Margaret Norris
Margaret Norris
17:52 01 Oct 24
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