When it comes to orthodontic care for children, parents often wonder about the right time to consider teeth straightening methods like Invisalign®. To shed light on this matter, we asked our Specialist Consultant Orthodontist, Sarah Lee, to share her insights.
Do you need to wait for a child’s adult teeth to come in before considering Invisalign®?
No. One common misconception is that parents should wait until all of a child’s adult teeth have come in before considering orthodontic intervention. This is not the case. I advocate for an early start to Invisalign treatment, starting from the age of seven.
What conditions can Invisalign® treat in children?
In children, Invisalign® can help to treat issues with crowding, spacing, tooth protrusions, narrow dental arches and impacted teeth.
By starting early – even before all of a child’s adult teeth have come in – this can help to ensure the visible teeth are in the right position to welcome the rest of the adult teeth as they emerge. This proactive approach aims to guide the natural development of the teeth, minimising the chances of misalignment and other dental issues.
Early Invisalign® treatment can also reduce the risk of breaking front teeth that may be sticking out. Children, especially those with protruding front teeth, are more susceptible to accidental injuries during play or other activities. Invisalign can help align these teeth, making them less prone to trauma and fractures.
I had braces as a teen/adult. Can’t I just wait and have my child’s teeth straightened later?
Yes, you can. However, by addressing potential alignment issues early on (from the age of seven onwards), you can help to avoid more complicated orthodontic problems in the future.
If you’re considering orthodontic intervention for your child, our orthodontist can provide personalised guidance, based on your child’s unique needs. At Alban City Dental & Surgical Centre, we can offer Invisalign® for almost all cases. Contact us today to book a FREE smile assessment.