At Alban City Dental, we know that early detection of mouth cancer can help save lives. And as your oral health professionals, we’re on the front when it comes to the detection of oral cancer. Performed as part of your regular dental examination, you may not even realise we’re carrying out a mouth cancer screening, but we’ll protect you nonetheless.
What causes mouth cancer?
You are at a higher risk of developing mouth cancer if you smoke, drink alcohol, have a poor diet, or if you have or have had HPV.
What are the symptoms of mouth cancer?
When we perform your screening, we’ll be looking out for red and white patches in the mouth, sores that continuously bleed or have not healed themselves after several weeks, lumps or bumps in the mouth, lips, or tongue, and any pain or stiffening in the jaw.
Can I book a screening outside of my usual dental examination?
If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, or you’re worried you might have mouth cancer, please do not wait for your next dental examination – you can book a screening with us at any time.
What happens if you find anything to cause concern?
If we find anything we think warrants further attention, we’ll either ask you for a follow-up appointment or refer you to a specialist.
Will the screening be painful?
Patients might experience some slight discomfort as we check for signs and symptoms, but our team will ensure you’re comfortable throughout your mouth cancer screening.
Do you still have questions or simply want to book an appointment? Get in touch with us online or call the practice on 01727 614 751.
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